Getting Started

Dashboards & Widgets in Online Access

Create and manage your dashboards in Online Access to see relevant information at a glance.

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Create a new dashboard

Click the Dashboards dropdown and select Create dashboard.

Dashboards menu

Enter the Dashboard Name and Dashboard Description.

create new dashboard


To limit the accounts that appear in your Viewing As dropdown on the dashboard, you can select specific accounts using the Select Accounts dropdowns.

If no accounts are selected, the Viewing As dropdown will populate all accounts available to the Online Access user.

change select accounts
viewing as

Click Submit.

Your Online Access account will refresh, and the new dashboard will appear. 

The widget library will appear on the right side of the screen for you to begin building your dashboard.

widget library side menu

Adding & removing widgets

To open the widget library, click the Dashboards dropdown and select Manage dashboard widgets.

Search for a widget by name using the search bar at the top or scroll through the widget list to view all available widgets.

Click on a widget's thumbnail to view more details.

widget thumbnail

Click Add next to a widget to add it to your dashboard.

add widget

Click Remove to remove widgets from your dashboard.

remove widget
Drag and drop widgets to rearrange your dashboard.

drag and drop widgets

Click the ✖️ to close the widget library when are done arranging your dashboard.

close widget library

Widgets are role sensitive! 

If the current Viewing As selection does not have the necessary permissions, the following message will appear:

widget not available

Once the Viewing As is changed to a compatible account, the widget will be visible.

Managing your dashboards

Click the Dashboards dropdown and select View all dashboards.

Set your default dashboard

Use the Default column to choose which dashboard you'd like displayed upon login.

default dashboard
Edit a dashboard

Edit a Dashboard Name, Dashboard Description, or reconfigure which accounts are displayed under the Viewing As dropdown.

Click the pencil icon.

pencil icon edit
new dashboard
Edit any information needed.

Remove a dashboard

Click the trash icon to delete a dashboard.

trash icon

If the Default dashboard is deleted, the next dashboard in the list will become default.


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